Posts tagged Urne
Live Review : Kvelertak + Urne @ Academy 3, Manchester on February 23rd 2025

With even the greatest bands in the World, it is quite easy to forget just how good they are. It has been six years since Kvelertak last visited this country (Download 2019), eight years since they last played this city (supporting Metallica at the arena) and nine years since we got anything resembling a headline tour. Tonight is very much a case of "Hello! Remember us?" as they grab us by the lapels and forcefully remind us why they were the band on everybody's lips last decade. This evening also, inexplicably, gives us our first opportunity to witness “new” vocalist Ivor Nikolaisen up front and personal. We say “new” but he has actually been in the band since 2018, but as the stats above illustrate these are his first UK headline shows with the band. Replacing a “name” vocalist is always a Herculean task, but when it is in the colossally charismatic shape of Erlend Hjelvik, you would suspect it would be rather a hiding to nothing. However Ivar Nikolaisen sidesteps the need for comparisons by being a completely different school of frontman with his own energy, charisma and style.

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Live Review : Urne + Mountain Caller + Tribe Of Ghosts @ Satan's Hollow, Manchester on December 10th 2023

Urne have had such an impact in the last few years, that is hard to reconcile the fact that this is their first major UK headline run. Covid (as with most things) takes a lot of the blame as their phenomenal debut "Serpent and Spirit” emerged at a time when touring wasn't really an option. This comprehensive jaunt around the aisles is nominally in support of their deeply personal (and rather cracking) sophomore effort “A Feast of Sorrow” but really, it's an opportunity for the band to prove to all and sundry that they deserve the hype that has been heaped upon them.

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Live Review : Devil Sold His Soul + Urne + Forlorn @ Rebellion, Manchester on April 8th 2022

It’s been a long nine years since emotive metalcore heroes (emocore if you like), Devil Sold his Soul last headlined in this city (they did remember we exist back in 2017 but that was to support Skith). Well in support of their rather excellent “Loss” (their first album in nine years and number 73 in our 2021 countdown) they are back, and they have brought the rather wonderful Urne (probably ROCKFLESH’s fav new band) with them. However first up are Forlorn. Sadly, this is not the legendary but now defunct Nordic Viking metal forebears, this Forlorn are from various places in the South of the Country (essentially not the North).

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Live Review : Orange Goblin + King Creature + Urne @ Gorilla, Manchester on December 14th 2021

The reason I gig as consistently and as vociferously as I do is in the vain hope that once in a while, I will experience nights like I did tonight. This evening is one of those instances where the stars align, and everything clicks into place. Cutting to the chase, tonight Orange Goblin were utterly phenomenal and by a country mile the best live act I have seen this year, if not this decade. Everything was right and everything worked. The band were hyped, the crowd were pumped and the bond between the two felt unbreakable. But I am getting ahead of myself as initially the omens weren’t great (cue flashback music).

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