We here at Rockflesh.com make a virtue of not talking about other lives outside being writers or photographers. After all you, our discerning readers are interested in the bands we watch as opposed to our relationship woes, job statuses and health struggles. That self-enforced anonymity will mean that you will be unaware that I had a major bicycle accident two and a half years ago involving an articulated lorry and a safety fence that robbed me of a substantial part of my mobility. Pre-September 2022 I was a bit of a pit troll if all told. I liked nothing more than to be stood in a heaving mass of people feeling the swell of the crowd melee around me. I was the one in the middle drinking it all in.
Read MoreRADAR Festival is returning on 4th-6th July 2025 and the genre-breaking progressive musical event has just made its first major announcement.
Once again, it’ll be held at the O2 Victoria Warehouse in Manchester, and the first headliner announced for the fifth edition of RADAR in 2025 are darkwave legends Carpenter Brut performing a UK exclusive. They are joined by the dynamically unique Zeal & Ardor, Swedish melodic alt-rock geniuses Normandie, and prog instrumental giants Intervals. ROCKFLESH tours is equally excited to catch Future Palace, Cyan Kicks and good friends Tiberius.
Read MoreThe band t-shirt is sown into the fabric of our world. It is as an essential component of metal as the riff, the drum solo and casual drug use. It act as a form of cloth based branding, allowing us to identify other members of our tribe, as well as a lucrative income stream independent from record sales. I have hundreds of the buggers and I can trace the evolution of my tastes and my bank balance over the 38 years I have been attending gigs.
Read MoreWe go again. Damnation’s third instalment in its new Mancunian home is mere weeks away. The excruciating labyrinths of Leeds University seems a lifetime ago and we are ready to be plunged back into the euphoria of extreme metal in an arena setting. Gav, Paul and their underlings in many ways have nothing left to prove. They have shown that Damnation can move to much bigger premises but retain its unique atmosphere and allure.
Read MoreSo this is the end. After 54 turbulent years Aeroforce One has finally been forced out of the skies and dry docked. Yesterday Aerosmith reluctantly announced their enforced immediate retirement from being a live concern. It wasn't quite meant to conclude this way. There was meant to be a final triumphant victory lap of the planet before they hung up their spurs.
Read More“It wouldn’t be what it is now, without Steve”
For many, bands and fans alike, the Waterloo Music Bar is a rock n’ roll mecca, somewhere we all gravitate to, where you can be guaranteed a warm welcome as well as experiencing world class music. But creating that atmosphere doesn’t happen by accident or chance, and at the Waterloo was in no small part due to the influence of Steve Guest.
Read MoreOur Stewart is so excited about Opeth’s Friday night request slot that rather than cover it in our truncated thirty to watch he has done a whole 666 (our six hundred and sixty six words opinions pieces) about just how over excited he is.
Read MoreAlways the same, always different. This is how the legendary John Peel used to describe his beloved The Fall. However, it works equally well if we re-purpose it to describe Bloodstock Open Air. You see many components of the festival haven't changed in two decades. Its feeling of geographical familiarity is one of the many reasons that many of us describe it as “home”.
Read MoreCurrently, you can get a ticket on Ticketmaster for Slipknot’s much anticipated 25th anniversary tour for around £220. That’s not a VIP ticket or a resale one, that is a bog-standard ticket. This is because of a phenomenon known as dynamic pricing. They didn’t begin life at £220. They started at a much more palatable (but still high) £70 but as the “maggots” (who know must all be in middle-aged well paid IT jobs) swarmed over the tickets they steadily increased in value as their scarcity increased.
Read MoreNever ones to let an opportunity to be opinionated pass us by, ROCKFLESH is here to give its esteemed opinion on the Download 2024 announcement. The first thing to say is love it or hate it Download sure know how to draw attention to themselves. All publicity is good publicity and even though their lineup is on the weak side (there you know which side of the fence I'll be coming down on) we are still talking about it. They have achieved what they wanted to do, and that was to make a splash and to get all the tongues wagging
Read MoreAside from humanity finding new depths to its innate ability to be horrendous to each other, the other thing that captured our imagination last weekend was Power Trip. It may have happened thousands of miles away, but we still felt compelled to talk about Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Judas Priest, Guns n’ Roses, Tool and Metallica sharing the same billing. However, the conversation wasn't about what they played, it was about how much it cost to witness the whole thing.
Read MoreThings were remarkably different in the pre-Spotify world. It was remarkably difficult to hear new bands as essentially the only way that you could sample an up-and-coming outfit was to buy their records (or to unscrupulously copy off your mates). We relied on the music press to describe to us what emerging scenes sounded like and the photos that accompanied those testaments could make or break a fledgling beat combo. I fell in love with Kiss not because of their songs but because of the photos that adorned my well-thumbed copies of the Kerrang and Metal Hammer. Paul, Gene, Ace and Chris in full makeup and faux body armour looked to the preteen Stewart like superheroes. They took my breath away and those early images ensured I became a dedicated member of the Kiss Army.
Read MoreCan I be honest with you? Why the hell isn't Damnation 2023 sold out? The bill on offer is a smorgasbord of extreme metal crudites that outshines anything they have previously managed to cobble together. And that's before we even talk about its even eviller twin "Night of Salvation”, which is ludicrously stacked with world exclusives destined to make Roadburn weep into its pillow.
Read MoreSome festivals start big and just accelerate. Download for instance had Iron Maiden as its first headliner, a statement of intent if there ever was one about the space that it wanted to occupy. Some however build from minuscule begins. The first Bloodstock was unrecognizable from the event we see today. It was held indoors at Derby Assembly Rooms, it lasted just one day, it was headlined by Saxon (at the time as far from their heyday as they could get) and it attracted 700 people. However, it was a spark, a beginning, an opening gambit that has metamorphosed into a mainstay of the UK festival calendar.
Read MoreMy passion is music. It's my release and it's my obsession. My close friendships are based around music. My downtime is based around music and I met my wife through a Guardian soulmate ad which read "Musical obsessive seeks indie chick for passionate pogoing”. Yet, I'm not sure where this obsession sprung from. My parents were not great muso's and if the radio was on in our house, it was Radio Four. I did not have any great compulsion about musicality passed on to me, it just happened quite randomly and quite organically.
Read MoreAsk anyone over the age of 25 which band it was that got them into metal and the answers will often be the same. For myself, it was AC/DC, for others it may be Metallica, Iron Maiden or even Slipknot. These are bands that have been around for the best part of 20/30/40+ year’s yet they still had a lasting influence, inspiring generations to seek out a new realm of music that often fell outside of the mainstream media.
Read MorePaid meets and greets – Would you? Should you? Could you?
In these days of austerity, independent artists and no more huge record company advances, many of your favourite bands may have turned to these as a way of generating a little extra cash. Experiences vary from a quick photo to a full backstage experience and prices vary from a couple of quid to thousands of your hard-earned, but are they worth it?
Read MoreIt spread through the internet like the proverbial dose of salts. “Have you seen what Gojira are charging for merch?”. The French giants, long regarded as a band of the people were caught with their fingers in the tills asking for forty quid for a t-shirt and eighty quid for a hoodie. I think what hurt most and caused the most disdain is that they weren’t a band that we expected this of. Gene Simmons yes but Joe Duplantier?
Read MoreIf you want a true definition of resilience and durability, then you need to look no further than Blackie Lawless and his horde. They encapsulate completely the idea that a career in rock n’ roll is a marathon as opposed to a sprint. W.A.S.P. have been written off on many occasions, yet each time they have laughed it off, brushed themselves down and come back brighter. Over forty years in (yes 40) from their inception they are now more relevant and more lauded than they have ever been.
Read MoreToday I am riled up. Roe vs Wade. If you have been living under a rock this protected a pregnant woman’s right to an abortion). So being a woman with a five-year-old daughter I am horrified and troubled by what the future holds. I waited until the age of 36 to get pregnant and it has been the hardest and best challenge. Since my daughter’s arrival we have faced: Brexit, pandemic, the government dividing the nation, dire financial situation, and the erosion of human rights.
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