Posts tagged Sleep Token
666 : Do you need to understand music to love music?

I adore music. It is my passion. I use it to soundtrack all that I do. When I travel I am accompanied by music (I am composing this on the 5.05 to London Euston with Beneath a Steel Sky’s “Cleave” keeping me company). At home various Alexa’s pump out albums of both my, and increasingly my children’s, choice. Live shows are my emotional crutch and the landmark dates I use to get myself through the year. Music proliferates my speech, with musical analogies my chosen way of describing things. It is central to who Stewart Lucas is and I would be lost without it.

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666 : Is social media responsible for the next generation of gateway bands?

Ask anyone over the age of 25 which band it was that got them into metal and the answers will often be the same. For myself, it was AC/DC, for others it may be Metallica, Iron Maiden or even Slipknot. These are bands that have been around for the best part of 20/30/40+ year’s yet they still had a lasting influence, inspiring generations to seek out a new realm of music that often fell outside of the mainstream media. 

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