Posts tagged New Century Hall
Live Review : Paleface Swiss + The Acacia Strain + Desolated @ New Century Hall, Manchester on February 28th 2025

Move over Slipknot because there are a Swiss band in town that know exactly how to entice your fans into turning up in Manchester on a cold night! Meet Paleface Swiss who fans of the afore mentioned mask-wearing crew and Five Finger Death Punch should check out immediately. Well…after you’ve read this review if you’d be kind.

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Live Review : Cattle Decapitation + Shadow Of Intent + Revocation + Vulvodynia @ New Century Hall, Manchester on February 1st 2025

Absence may well make the heart grow fonder but so seemingly does constant interaction. Neither Cattle Decapitation nor Shadows of Intent are strangers to this country and even to this fayre city. It is the formers third visit in as many years, whilst the latter last graced us with their presence twenty-four months ago to almost the day. With neither being a scarcity in the touring market, it is impressive they have managed to pull a capacity crowd into a venue that signals an ambitious jump in size for both of them. This is Death Metal graduating out of the underground and into grown-up venues. New Century Hall may feel a world away from the grubby subterranean delights of say Rebellion, but it offers all four acts the opportunity to do their thing on a gargantuan stage, a challenge they all accept with vim and vigour.

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Live Review : Baroness + Graveyard + Pallbearer @ New Century Hall, Manchester on November 22nd 2024

The Great trilogies. Lord of the Rings, The Hunger Games books, Toy Story, the original Star Wars saga (yes we know, Ewoks, but Return of the Jedi is infinitely better than anything that came after). To that impressive lexicon, you can now add this tour of a holy Trinity of modern metal masters. 

Pallbearer, Graveyard and Baroness are all doing something distinctly different in their individual musicality. They all reside in diverse corners of metal's grand and fertile landscape. What they do share and what makes this tour so appealing and also so cohesive, is a deep-seated seam of emotional intelligence. None of them trade in knuckle-dragging “beers and tits” brainless bravado. Instead, whilst the styles are varied and differential, they all sculpt music to make you think and in many cases music to make you cry. Put simply this is the wearing your heart on your sleeve tour.

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Live Review : Royal Republic + Dea Matrona @ New Century Hall, Manchester on November 3rd 2024

Are Royal Republic a rock band? They say not, but a capacity crowd at Bloodstock 2023 begged to differ and let’s face it you’re not going to argue with 20000 rabid metalheads, are you? They have been blowing audiences away with their brand of humorous pop-rock patter for a good few years now and here we have a full UK tour in support of their most recent album “LoveCop”. Tonight the Royal Republic train is hitting the buffers in Manchester to show us what they’ve got.

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Live Review : Sunn O))) + Jesse Sykes @ New Century Hall, Manchester on March 28th 2024

As metal fans we tend to view our world as an impenetrable fortress sitting alone in an ocean of splendid isolation. Disconnected from other strands of popular culture. The truth is actually very different, we have many openly flowing land borders with other facets of the musical lexicon. Drone metal and the legendary Sunn O))) specifically is one of those bridging areas. 

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Live Review : Botch + Great Falls @ New Century Hall, Manchester on March 22nd 2024

It is unlikely that you would know of Botch before their improbable resurrection last year. They only visited this country once in their previous existence and never got north of Nottingham. Neither of their full-length albums, “American Nervoso” and “We Are Romans” particularly sold well. However, every bugger that did get the honour of hearing the latter release went off and formed a band. You see Botch continue that fine lineage of acts you've never heard of that begot hundreds that you very much have.

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Live Review : The Darkness + Bad Nerves @ New Century Hall, Manchester on December 12th 2023

If we are honest with ourselves, the early noughties were rather a bleak and monochrome time for rock. Radiohead were being self-consciously awkward, the Strokes were plying an insipid brand of faux-rebellion that is only possible when you are the trust fund kids of Wall Street billionaires and The White Stripes were busy whitewashing the blues of all of its cultural heritage. Then into that world appeared The Darkness, a vivid Technicolor explosion in a valley of greyscale. Like all good explosions, they burnt bright and died young. A brief extravagant glimpse into a parallel dimension of lurid colour and tight spandex.

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Live Review : Dayseeker + Acres + Love Is Noise @ New Century Hall, Manchester on May 12th 2023

Tonight is the first gig for Johann and I in Manchester’s New Century Hall. The first thing we notice is the slick and swanky feel to the whole place – it’s like it’s fresh out of the showroom and we’re taking it for its first spin! The bars are easy to get to, with a good selection, and the whole atmosphere is professional yet welcoming. The gig room itself is wide and accommodating, and the stage a very decent height (so a good venue for all gig-goers I’d suggest).

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Live Review : Enter Shikari + Higher Power + Tokky Horror @ New Century Hall, Manchester on April 14th 2023

Opening tonight's proceedings were Birkenhead's own Tokky Horror. Tokky Horror combine Punk with dance influences ranging from Hardcore, Techno, Drum and Bass and even what sounded like a little bit of Gabber to boot. Initially I struggled to pick apart the nuances of their sound as a result of the bass really taking over the mix, however this was quickly rectified and when deciphered, I could understand more about what Tokky Horror were about, and that was pure energy and connection with their audience through their music.

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