Posts tagged Forbidden
Live Review : Bloodstock Festival on August 10th 2024

It's raining. Not much rain, but it's still raining. Cauldron kick things off in the Sophie stage. Those who hope the name conjures up sword and sorcery inspired power metal will be bitterly disappointed. This is classic early-era metal core with an emphasis firmly on the core. Hailing from Birmingham they have gone for the nostalgia vote hard.

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Bloodstock Festival Countdown : 30 Bands Not To Miss - Forbidden

For those of us of a certain age, Forbidden's appearance at Bloodstock 2011 was manna from heaven. Seeing one of eighties thrash's forgotten heroes illustriously resurrected was genuinely exciting. But reunions are not easy things to maintain and the tensions that brought about the early demise of Forbidden were quick to resurface.

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