Download 2019 Countdown : 15. Slipknot, Main Stage on Saturday, 21:10 - 22:50

Do I really need to explain why you need to at least see some of Slipknot on Saturday night? Everyone knows they are probably one of the most incendiary and pulsating live acts you will come across. It's Slipknot! Right! simply the most degenerative, ugly and God darn confrontational juggernaut to have become a household name. The facinating thing with Slipknot is how something this caustic, nihalistic and unrepentantly heavy can became so darn huge. To move from the underground to the mainstream Metallica polished their sound and made it more accessible, Slipknot seem to have made the same leap without compromising a thing. They are still angry, brutal and utterly non-conformist. The first tracks to appear from the forthcoming new album show that they haven't watered down their ferocity and bile. Everyone needs a bit of righteous anger in their lives so be there as this will be special. It always is!

By Stewart Lucas