Posts tagged Rockflesh
Live Review : Rockflesh at Rockflesh'tival on October 2nd 2021

In a small sleepy suburb of Liverpool something primal has awoken. The true spirit of rock n’roll has arisen and has once more taken physical form. Like a pulsating parasite, it has crawled out of the primordial ooze and taken new human hosts. The ancient spirits of sex, drums and rock n’roll have been with us since the dawn of time and they chosen this moment, this day and this place to manifest themselves once more. They have chosen the decaying bodies of six (seven if you include the dynamic super sub drummer) aging homosapians from which to once more dominate the four corners of the known world. For a fleeting but pivotal moment Allerton has become the rock n ‘roll centre of the universe, the very eye of a tempestuous storm.

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