Posts tagged Revival Black
Live Review : Firestorm Festival on August 12, 13, 14th 2022

When it first hit social media pages back in March, most people thought Firestorm was either a wind-up or a scam. You see, if you are a fan of the current crop of new wave of classic rock acts, then this provided a mouth-watering line-up that put bigger setups (with bigger budgets) to shame. All that was before anyone had even seen the venue. Whitebottom Farm is set within Etherow Country park just outside Manchester and is awash with meandering walks through some amazing greenery and scenery. For a festival, it is perfect, as it manages to combine panoramic views with an intimate area.

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Live Review : Call of the Wild Festival 2022 - Day 1

What have you missed most during what we are now thinking of the Lockdown Years? When you were sitting at home, doing your duty to your fellow man, where did you really want to be? For me it was this. Call Of The Wild entered our lives in a blaze of glory in 2019, and although small it was so well=organised that I was waiting eagerly for the following years where it would grow exponentially. And then? Boom. The world stopped. Festivals got postponed, rolled over. The brave people at Call of the Wild tried their best for us, we thought we might be able to get back here last October but sadly it wasn’t to be. So as I pull my (t)rusty campervan onto the site this weekend it seems impossible that it’s been 3 long years since the last one. 3. Long. Years.

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Live Review : Steelhouse Festival 2021 - Day 2

Saturday dawned bright and…… nah. This is Wales. The wind got up a bit overnight, the rain came in and Saturday morning was wet and blustery. Much re-pegging and such was done on the various campsites as people woke and surveyed the havoc wreaked by the unforecast gales. Thankfully casualties seemed to be minor, and it was soon time to head into the arena to see what the second day would bring.

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