Posts tagged Clutch
Live Review : Bloodstock Festival on August 9th 2024

Friday beckons fourth with almost perfect Festival weather. Warm, but also enough breeze and cloud cover to stop the place becoming a perpetual oven. Friday may well be packed with many musical gems, but really it is all about one band, who aren’t even playing, Motörhead. Today is the day that Lemmy becomes a permanent part of Bloodstock lore, with a proportion of his ashes placed on site in a specially commissioned bust. The ceremony to invest the final resting place for some of his remains is an emotional affair.

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Live Review : Sweden Rock Festival on June 7th 2023

The journey is a long one with the early start (3am from the house), but we finally make it from the North West of England to just outside Sölvesborg in the southern region of Blekinge, Sweden. To be fair our trip is fairly painless, with a decent flight to Copenhagen, train to Sölvesborg, and the festival shuttlebus to the site. Once we get there everyone is mega friendly and helpful, and it’s no ordeal or fuss sorting our press accreditation and campsite access. There are a few campsites dotted around nearby the festival site (but none included in the festival ticket), but we plumb for the nearest and craziest in Camp’n’Rock.

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Download 2019 Countdown : 14. Clutch, Main Stage on Friday, 16:05 - 16:50

I am a late convert to the church of Clutch. People whose musical tastes I trust have sung their praises for many years but I held out, labelling all the fuss ill-judged and hyper-bole. But with last year “Book of Bad Decisions”, the penny finally dropped and I got what all the fuss is about.

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