Download 2019 Countdown : 02. Rob Zombie, Zippo Encore Stage on Friday, 20:55 - 22:05

Ne Obliviscaris, The Dogtooth Stage on Friday at Download 2019

How things change!  For thirteen long years, Rob Zombie seemed to forget Europe even existed.  However under a decade later, as he slides effortlessly into his fourth Download appearance since 2011, Rob Zombie has inconceivably become the festival's modern day house band. And the reason he keeps getting asked back? Well, Monsieur Zombie brings the party each and every time. It's a slutty, debauched fetish party where every night is Halloween (the hallowed original, not his soulless remake), but it's a party all the same. 

So whilst some of you will be parting like it's 1987 on the main stage, the rest of us will be getting lost in the insane messed up genius that is Zombie. Yes, it's Alice Cooper with added satanism and sexual perversion but it's phenomenal fun. You see Mr Zombie is a showman of the highest order, Hugh Jackman with eye liner and a side order of S&M, he will own every single inch of the Zippo stage on Friday night. Yes! He seems to be in attendance every other year but that's because he delivers each and every time. So, get ready to scream, get ready to dance as ain't no party like a industrial glam horror party.

By Stewart Lucas