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Bloodstock Festival Countdown : 30 Bands Not To Miss - The Vintage Caravan

20. The Vintage Caravan - Sophie Lancaster Stage - Friday, August 9th 2024 - 20.00 - 21.00

There is something quintessentially classy about a three-piece. Everything is stripped back. There is no room for excess, instead you get pure unadulterated and unrefined beauty. There is no room to hide so what happens is that musical brilliance is able to rise to the top. The Vintage Caravan are case in point. They weave tapestries of indulgent organic rock 'n' roll. Their sound manages to be simultaneously authentic but also thoroughly modern. They understand that rock 'n' roll is about channelled emotion and their version of classic rock just drips with genuine passion.

They take us back to those heady days of the 70s when the parameters of our music were still being set but they do so in a way that still manages to connect in with the spotify generation. They understand that songwriting is an absolute art and then create sumptuous pieces of music that enrapt the listener. So if by Friday evening you are becoming a little frazzled and really need a bit of a timeout from being screamed at the Sophie Lancaster stage is the place to be. The Vintage Caravan will prove that there is nothing un-metal about being laid back and boy will it be one hell of a trip.

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