Bloodstock Festival Countdown : 30 Bands Not To Miss - Eternal Champion

24. Eternal Champion - Sophie Lancaster Stage - Friday, August 9th 2024 - 18.25 - 19.10

I was going to leave this lot till right to the end but I'm so excited about this rare appearance in the UK that I am guilty of premature ejaculation and I have gone very early with my sumptuous ode to their majestic wonder. Eternal Champion are the greatest band you have never heard of. They are everything I wanted metal to be personified. They have the bombastic nature of power metal but with none of the latent cheesiness.

Instead, this is monumental route 101 pure unrefined heavy metal. It is orgasmic in both its scale and structure. They create grandular cathedrals of epic sound. There is no post-modern irony to be found, this is metal that revels in its opulent splendour. Imagine Manowar but with the musical muscle of Metallica and you are halfway there. Those who know will be in the tent as Eternal Champion are very much a band’s band but if this completely nonobjective diatribe has at least partially pricked your interest please go and check them out because they are utterly utterly wonderful and in a microcosm everything I want in a band.