Bloodstock Ultimate Top 10 Performances : Alice Cooper in 2012


Greatest ever Bloodstock sing along moment? Many will say Europe doing Final Countdown in 2009 and believe me, it almost made the cut. But no matter how life affirming that moment was (and believe me it was as communal as it gets) it was outshone when three years later, Alice rolled into town and brought the ruddy song book with him. In one stretch, we got a salvo of ‘I'm Eighteen’, ‘Under My Wheels’, ‘Billion Dollar Babies’, ‘No More Mr. Nice Guy’ and ‘Hey Stoopid’, all one after another. And later in the set there was ‘Elected’, ‘School’s out’, ‘Feed my Frankenstein’, ‘Only Women Bleeds’ and ‘Poison’. It was a positive treasure trove of monstrous rock classics that each and every-one of us knew the words to. Quite simply the greatest ‘Greatest Hits’ display, the festival has ever seen.

By Stewart Lucas