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Bloodstock Ultimate Top 10 Performances : Coroner in 2011

In the late eighties, Swiss progressive thrash wizards Coroner were so ahead of the curve that it felt like they existed in their own satellite universe. In the end, they provided too mind expanding music for your everyday metalhead and they split in 1994 in a vast sea of indifference. Seventeen years later, finally recognised as the pioneers and auteurs that they were, they reunited to play five shows, including Bloodstock. They were utterly incredible and I stood open-mouthed watching them take metal in directions I had no idea it could go. They were playing material that was in the main twenty years old but it felt other worldly and futuristic. Truly one of the sets that proves why Bloodstock is so special, one solitary show on English soil in twenty six years and it was here.

By Stewart Lucas