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Bloodstock Ultimate Top 10 Performances : Evil Scarecrow in 2014

Festivals are all about moments and Evil scarecrow in 2014 certainly was a moment. They were first up on the Saturday bill and emerged to probably the largest crowd that has ever been seen at Bloodstock at 11.00 am. They proceeded to also have the most fun that has probably ever been had at that time of day. They were on a mission to be silly as well as ensuring everyone else would join in. So we got aliens, hybrid crabs and robots. In fact, this would be the greatest stage show that sticky-back tape and empty bog rolls could give us. But it just wasn’t all about the Blue Peter does Alien stage props, this was audience participation of a scale never seen before on Catton Hall’s sacred ground. We had coordinated waltzs (my mate Debbie’s foot has never quite recovered), synchronized scuttling, mass throwing of grass because they could not afford confetti and the whole field (all the way back to the food stalls) doing the Robotron moves. We danced, we laughed and we sung along. It was one of those moments.

By Stewart Lucas