Bloodstock Ultimate Top 10 Performances : Twisted Sister in 2016


Our veteran word-soup creator and self-confused socially inept death metal fanatic, Stewart Lucas has been doing Bloodstock since the late noughties. With eleven festivals to choose from, we asked him to list the definitive ten greatest Bloodstock performances. Please note that anyone who thinks differently is wrong. End of story.

It is widely documented that Twisted Sister wanted their final bow in the UK to be at Donington Park, but the slot offered to them by Download was not seen as fitting way to make their last hurrah. So instead they were welcomed back with open arms by Bloodstock and put on simply the greatest show I have ever seen in the eleven years I have been attending. This is one of those shows were everything comes together to make it special. The set list was precession engineered to provide a whistle stop tour of the best bits from their first four albums. The band were simply on fire and intent to give the best performances that they could. The audience were rapt from the start. And in the middle of all this was Dee Snider. A human dynamo who flung himself around the stage and gave every last drop of energy to bring these songs alive. This was a fantastic band pushing themselves to the limit to produce a lasting memory. It truly was an awe-inspiring set that produced goose-bumps for anyone who watched it. And as the last notes of SMF faded out, everyone in that field knew that they had just witnessed probably Bloodstock’s finest hour.