Posts tagged Sylosis
Bloodstock 2021 Countdown - 30 Bands Not To Miss : 21. Evile & Sylosis

I have bundled these two together because :

A) It's my list and I can do what I want and

B) There was a time where the world was these two acts oyster. You see Evile and Sylosis were the great white Hopes of British thrash. They had fire in their bellies and were surfing the thrash renaissance like the pros they were. Sadly real life came and tapped them on the shoulders and both bands ended up wiping out spectacularly. Evile managed to traverse the tragic death of bassist Mike Alexander and shock departure of guitarist Ol Drake before finally seemingly running out of steam around 2015. Sylosis seemed to be on the cusp of greatest unleashing great album after great album. They just never managed to gain the velocity to allow them to break free from the pack and in the end entered hiatus in 2016 when Tom Middleton was drafted to replace the late Tom Searle in Architects.

However, you can never put a good thrash band down. Somehow both bands have clawed their way out of the "Where are they now?" files (thrash edition) and returned with blistering records. Last year's
”Cycle of Suffering” saw Sylosis broadening their sound and this year's “Hell Unleashed” was a barnstorming return to form for Evile. So here you go, two thrash legends for the price of … Don’t say we are never good to you!

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