Bloodstock 2021 Countdown : 30 Bands not to Miss : 3. Svalbard

Apologies but this entry is pure self-indulgence. You see, Svalbard are top of my personal “must see” list for this coming weekend. I have adored all three of their studio albums and have marvelled at the way that their sumptuous mix of Black Metal, Hardcore and Post Metal has evolved in the journey from 2015's “One Day All This Will End” to last year’s outstanding “When I Die, Will I Get Better?”. However for a whole host of different reasons Bloodstock will be my first opportunity to see them in the flesh. I am intrigued to see how their heady mix of euphoria and riotous anger, will translate to the live arena. We use the words unique and mould-breaking (if we are honest with ourselves) to describe stuff that essentially sounds like other stuff. Svalbard have managed to be truly original and do something with heavy music that I haven't heard before. They have taken the fury and rage that fuels so much of our music and injected it with optimism. So come Friday lunchtime I will be the highly excitable tall guy that looks like Lurch from the Adam's family, standing at the front of the Ronnie James Dio stage. This the most pumped I have been about seeing a new band in years and I just know they will live up to the expectation. Join me, it will be wonderful.

Playing: Friday, 13th August 2021

Stage: Ronnie James Dio Stage

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