6. Rolo Tomassi - "Where Myth Becomes Memory"

Some bands emerge fully formed and give us their best work on the first time of asking. Others take a couple of albums in which to find themselves before they hit their peak. Then there are bands like Rolo Tomassi, whose evolution has happened at a slow gradual pace over a number of albums. Like a fine wine or a good steak, they have aged impeccably well, and 14 years into their recording career there only just coming into their own. 

Don’t get me wrong, previous albums have been grand. But there is such a noticeable leap in quality, confidence and ability between what they were doing before and “When Miss Becomes Memory”. It is a thoroughly self-assured record, that is comfortable in his own skin and possesses seminal self-awareness. They have toned down the youthful vigour and unbridled optimism and instead, we get a record that is emotionally mature and extremely comfortable with its own being. 

This is an exquisitely constructed album. It confidently intersects between shrill disharmony and delicate beauty. The transmogrification between the two is faultless, they blend and intertwine in a way that adds virtue to both styles. It knows exactly when to rear forward and when to restrain its abundance. 

It’s heavy but it is also fragile and slight. It is honest and open. There is no posturing or pretending. This is quite simply an authentic and candid dissection of the monotony of being an adult. Rolo Tomassi have grown up and the world has changed and “Where Myth Becomes Memory” effectively chronicles that transition. Utterly utterly brilliant.