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Live Review : A'Priori + We Three Kings @ Waterloo Music Bar, Blackpool on September 6th 2024

As Blackpool basks in what is probably the last gasp of summer, it definitely feels like change is in the air.  And if it’s hot outside, in the confines of the Waterloo the sell-out crowd are pushing the temperatures up to the level of a day trip to fifth circle of Hell.   

To say there is a level of excitement and anticipation ahead of tonight’s show, would be a colossal understatement.  Such is the loyalty and passion that A’Priori inspire, that many have travelled big distances to be here, from the furthest reaches of the country and even internationally to witness the launch of A’Priori’s new album “Voodoo Love”.   

But before A’Priori show off their new material, the unenviable task of warming up the crowd falls to Manchester’s We Three Kings.  A gig like this can be something of a poisoned chalice for the opening act, as the crowd is amped for the main event, but in fairness to the A’Priori faithful, a sizeable number witness the band’s Waterloo debut. And We Three Kings certainly aren’t about to let the opportunity pass them by and reward the crowd with a fiery, memorable and mightily impressive set, that by the end has many blown away by the strength of their performance.  Despite the band name there are in fact, only two members (the bass player being a life size crown-wearing skeleton, yes really). With Rich on guitar/vocals and Pete on drums, they produce a remarkably full wall of sound; it’s direct, stripped-back and strident and takes absolutely no prisoners, but in the best of ways.  There’s a real cross-over appeal to the band; big, dirty fuzzed out guitars? They’ve got you covered.  Heavy bluesy grooves?  Check.  Deconstructed garage rock energy, yep that too.  I could go on, but it’s enough to say that theirs is a very contemporary sound whilst standing on the shoulders of many classic rock archetypes – most rock fans will find something to enjoy here and judging by the crowd’s response, clearly, they do. 

With just two musicians on stage Rich does most of the heavy lifting by necessity, but he’s more that up to the task; there is a dynamic synergy between Rich and Pete that is electric in their musical connection with one another.  Without the traditional band structure there’s nowhere to hide and scant room for error, but they are a tight a unit as you’ll see anywhere.  The drums are brutally effective, not only providing the beat but punctuating and accentuating the guitar lines in a fascinating way, through the likes of standout tracks such as ‘Give It to Me, Go!’ and the punchy, staccato ‘Golddigger’. All told, it’s raucous, primal and wins them a lot of friends tonight. 

And so to the main event.  A’Priori are quite simply one of the hardest working bands playing today, as evidenced by photographer Darren and I reckoning they’re the band we’ve seen play the most over the last 18 months. This dedication to playing anywhere and everywhere has not only turned them into a beautifully fine-tuned rock n roll machine, but has garnered them a rabidly passionate fan base, with more and more joining with each and every gig. As such, the release of “Voodoo Love” has been a long time coming, with the excitement building and building over the last few months culminating in almost fever pitch tonight.  The Waterloo is as packed as I can remember and when Tony, Mouse and Mark take to stage they are greeted with a deliriously rapturous reception, the intensity of which only increases throughout their set.  Selling out their home town venue is a long-time ambition realised, and the band are on fire making the absolute most of the occasion. The stage is decorated in keeping with the Voodoo Love cover art, with shrunken heads dangling from Tony’s mic stand, and skulls and roses littering the set, providing new visual impact for their shows.  But tonight is all about the new material, the chance to hear these songs live for the first time, and they sure as hell don’t disappoint. 

From the very first note, there’s no denying this is A’Priori 2.0, throwing down the gauntlet and demanding their spot in the big leaguesIt’s everything that you know and love about the band, but showing a quantum leap in sophistication, complexity and confidence.  The new material is wonderfully and thoughtfully arranged making this the bands most complete collection of songs to date.  At times heavier than ever and at others more melodic, whilst still being recognisably A’Priori, there’s more light and shade, heart and soul than ever before.  

And if the songs themselves have taken that step upwards then so too has the playing and the performance levels.  Take the hypnotic title track, ‘Voodoo Love’, with Mark’s sumptuous keyboards, Tony’s epically masterful soloing and Mouse’s immaculate drumming as a perfect example.  It’s a heady, sinuous beast of a tune, as befits the subject matter and is totally captivating, but really this virtuoso musicianship is evident across the entire set-list. 

There is something unique and beguiling about A’Priori, which sets them apart from many of their contemporaries.  Whether it’s the slightly unusual band configuration, the charisma of each and every one of the band members, the warmth and inclusiveness of the community that has formed around them, or just an intangible and undefinable something that makes them special, A’Priori are a band like no other.  

And if one of the band’s greatest strengths is their ability to connect with their audience then judging by the crowd’s reaction this is going to be even more the case with the new songs.  Such is the quality of the playing on-stage tonight that each and every one could be a new fan favourite and staple of any future set-list; in fact, with so many outstanding tracks, the band have a veritable embarrassment of riches, putting them in the enviably difficult position of almost having too many great numbers to choose from, surely the best kind of problem to have! And with favourites from their already strong earlier catalogue such as the hard-hitting ‘Shotgun Blues’ and the always electric ‘Making Love to the Devil’, seemingly getting a new energy and shine when sitting alongside the new numbers, the set was a rollicking showcase of both the then, the now and the future of the band. 

It feels like A’Priori are just reaching the top of the rock n’ rollercoaster and with the launch of “Voodoo Love” their career is set to take off and accelerate faster and ever higher.  They have the talent, the live skills and with the release of “Voodoo Love”, a gamechanger of an album.  Momentum is on their side, and it can only be a matter of time before, bigger opportunities and even bigger venues can only be a drumbeat away. 

Yes, change is in the air – and for A’Priori that change will surely see them take that next big step up on the path to the even greater rock n’ roll fame and acclaim, that they so richly deserve and have a worked so hard to achieve… 

Check the “In The Flesh” page for more photos!
A'Priori + We Three Kings

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