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Bloodstock 5 Don'ts : Don't keep it all in!

Bloodstock is officially the friendliest festival there is. You aren't on your own, you are surrounded by fifteen thousands others. All of whom will gladly have a beer with you (as long as you are buying). But if you don't want to share your woes with a slightly tiddly gentleman in a faded queensryche t-shirt then the Samaritans have been an integral part of the Bloodstock fabric since the beginning. They have a tent back smack in the middle of Midgard and they are there to listen. The Samaritans aren't just there for crisis, they are there to offer a ear to bend whatever it is you want to talk about. If something is eating at you, don't let it ruin your weekend, they are there to listen and to help you share. They also make a nice cuppa.