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Bloodstock 2021 Countdown : 30 Bands not to Miss : 14. Venom Prison

Now this is mind blowing! Venom Prison, young plucky Venom Prison are fourth from top on the Ronnie James Dio stage at Bloodstock. This means Venom Prison will stroll out to a huge crowd just waiting to be impressed. That crowd ain't going to know what has hit them. Venom Prison are by far and away the finest young Death Metal band in the UK. Whilst they are first and foremost a Death Metal outfit, there is a very much hardcore mentality to how they present and conduct themselves. There is no posturing, masculine bullshit or facades of being "dangerous geezers". Venom Prison are true to who they are and that authenticity just pours out. They are unapologetically political and driven to talk about the issue that matter to them (rather than the usual gore for gore's sake). Basically, Venom Prison look you in the eye, steadfastly refuse to conform to any of Death Metal's many stereotypes and demand you accept them on their terms, their terms only. Friday at Bloodstock will be the moment they step up to the big league. Make sure you are there. It's going to be emotional!

Playing: Friday, 13th August 2021

Stage: Ronnie James Dio Stage

Bloodstock 2021 Countdown : 30 Bands not to Miss