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Photographer : Darren Birch

It’s over forty years ago that the lure of rock n roll came calling, playing those vinyl records as loud as possible. Live shows were next, starting a gig career that is still in full flow. 

Stood at the front barrier (barrier bitch) amongst other likeminded people witnessing and experiencing the energy and sonic bombardment of a rock show is one of the best places to be .

My first proper rock gig was seeing those pioneering powerhouse NWOBHM band Saxon at Preston Guildhall in the early 80’s and have followed them ever since, seeing them almost 50 times along the way. This was a great era for rock, but I also love the more bluesy side of rock such as Y&T, Gary Moore etc. and the heavier side of metal too including Metallica, Megadeth and the like, although there are only a few of the heavy shouty man bands I can take to, a la Slipknot, Machine Head & Red Method.

Generally though if it’s loud, raucous and rock n roll it will be right up my street and I just love championing the new up and coming bands. We are so lucky at the moment to have such a plethora of grassroots bands coming through with the likes of Those Damn Crows, Florence Black, Mason Hill, She Burns Red, Hollowstar and The Treatment.

Supporting live music is a real passion in my life and I’ve been lucky to get to many gigs over the years from watching AC/DC in the Olympic Stadium in Berlin to a tiny pub down the road and all others in between.

Hope to see y’all at a barrier soon, come and say hi and have a chat with a fellow metalhead