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Bloodstock Ultimate Top 10 Performances : Devin Townsend Project in 2010

In many ways, Devin Townsend’s 2010 Bloodstock show was an utter disaster. Technical glitches, lost equipment and an audible click track plagued what should have been a triumphant return from self-imposed exile (the organisers even invited him back in 2011 to make up for all the issues). However, it has lived on in legend, and has made our list, for two specific reasons a) it was a master class in how to deal with difficulties on stage and b) it was the moment that UK fell hopelessly in love with the affable, camp geek that is Devin. For nearly twenty minutes, whilst roadies frantically turned things on and off again, Devin calmly kept a huge crowd entertained with what amounted to a stand up routine (and some interpretive dance). There was no diva strops (Shagrath, I’m looking at you) and there was no slightly embarrassing silences, instead you had a consummate professional whose charisma just burned off the stage. This was the moment that the UK’s enduring love affair with ‘eavy devey truly began.

By Stewart Lucas